Welcome to Harrison Phillip's
2009 Fun Times
    In February I learned how to play "battleships."
  In March I could handle any small repair job.
In January in South Carolina I kept my soccer ball always nearby.
     In April after a thunderstorm I played in a new South Carolina stream.
Thank you for visiting,

                       Harrison Phillip
                  In May Papa Bill pitched me baseballs he knew I could hit.
  In June my sister Reagan and I helped my Papa Bill around his yard.
  Dinosaurs especially like South Carolina.
           In July I caught my first large mouth bass off our dock on Brant Lake, New York.
I love digging in our beach sand at Brant Lake.
        At summer's end we flew back to Baltimore.  Before every flight I check out the security instructions.
  For Halloween I was WallE.
(My cousin Tony, sister Reagan, and me.)
   In November Grandma Pat helped me ride my new bicycle.
                                I just love Christmas with my cousins.
(Logan, me and my Dad Phil.)
(Me and my brother Logan.)
(Logan, Reagan and me on a Southwest Ailines flight from Albany to Baltimore.)
(Logan, me, my cousin Luke, Reagan, my cousin Katie and cousin Tony.)