Welcome to Luke Anthony's 2004 Great Times
     The year 2004 started with Papa taking my cousin Logan and I to a remote, cold Chesapeake Bay Beach.  He showed us the artificial rock islands created to stop beach erosion.  (They didn't.)
(Logan and me at Triton Beach.)
      In February Papa took us to a farmer's field to uncover flat buttons, tokens, coins and artifacts from remains of an
18th and 19th century log cabin.
      Papa's "adventures" never end.  In March we hunted for 25 million year old miocene shark, porpoise teeth and strange prehistoric creatures near Chesapeake Beach on the Chesapeake Bay.
    In April Papa changed his license plates.  He was angry because his workplace guards kept asking, "who's aunt cutey?"  Papa said they had no appreciation for antiquity.
In May my Grandma Pat and my Mom and my brother Tony watched me play baseball.
In June "17 year cicadas" invaded Maryland.
   My neighbor Karen helped me jumpstart one's flight.
  On a hot July day at Ocean City my uncle Steve said I needed to cool down.
        One afternoon Logan's fishing pole mysteriously disappeared from the dock.  Two days later my "nightline catfish" wrapped himself around Logan's sunken, weed choked fishing pole and line.  Mystery solved!
(My dad saying: "There's no fish in this lake.")
(Me and Logan's "pole thief.").
In September we went back to Brownie's Beach to discover more Miocene fossils of long dead creatures.
    In October we flew to Brant Lake for a surprise weekend.  We piloted a Southwest 737 from Baltimore into Albany.
  Papa helped with Halloween pumpkin selection.
     We used pumpkins and vegetables for Thanksgiving.
Thank you for visiting,
Luke Anthony.
        In August on our way to the Adirondacks and Brant Lake we stopped at "The Crossroads" in Chestertown, NY for bait and supplies.
(Me and Logan in Prince George's County.)
(Me and Logan at Brownie's Beach.)
(My cousin Logan,  Fishing Bear, Papa, my brother Tony and me.)
(Papa Bill, me and Logan digging fossils.)
(Pilot Luke switching on "fasten seatbelts" sign.)
     In December we used Logan's Christmas gift to search for treasure around an old house built in 1790.
Papa told us not worry about old ghosts.
     Christmas brought joy and presents to my brother Tony, me and my cousins Logan and Reagan.