Welcome to Luke Anthony's 2005 Great Times
     In cold January I worked at my Grandpa's computer building stuff.
      In February Grandpa took us to an abandoned Chesapeake Bay beach to search for treasure.  All the piers have disappeared, the sea nettle fences are gone, and the beach is badly eroded, leaving only treasure.
             In March my Mom and Dad bought us a Dean Morrissey "Ship of Dreams" print .
       In April Papa took me to an old Maryland farmer's field where he once hunted Indian artifacts.  There are no longer any indians nor any farmers.
In May my Grandma Pat made us U.S. Navy "Blue Angel" shirts.
    At Ocean City in June my Dad and I chased Grandpa and Logan.
  In July we went for an Ocean City boat ride.
        Pure joy is playing Nintendo at Brant Lake.

(Brant Lake, New York Adirondack evening.)
September brought me back home to Maryland baseball.
    At night in October Grandpa and Grandma frightened us with stories of flying ghosts and goblins.
  It's now tradition to visit Homestead Gardens Nursery the day after Thanksgiving.
     Christmas was again a time for Joy and being thankful.
Thank you for visiting,
Luke Anthony.
        In August we stood atop canons on Mount Defiance overlooking Ticonderoga and Lake Champlain New York.
(Detecting the only cleared spot in the concrete rubble.)
(My brother Tony, Mom and me at Grandma Pat's)
(Me and Logan atop British Canons; fort Tinconderoga can be seen in the distance on the slip of land behind Logan.)
(My fast pitch.)
(Logan, my brother Tony and me.)
(My brother Tony, me, my cousin Reagan and Cousin Logan.)
(My Dad, me, Grandma Pat and my Cousin Logan.)
(Homestead Gardens, Davidsonville, Maryland.)