(School entrance as it appeared morning of the reunion, little changed in 40+ years.)
(The door we entered daily.)
(The foyer that greeted us .)
( Wall of Honor photo in foyer immediately to the right of the entrance.)
Our reunion committe.
Barbara Hurd, Pat Dickel, Leora Mercoglan, Gerry Favata, Arlene Adams,
Marcia DeMidio, Lois Johnson.
Class of 1958
Lois Johnson, Bob Duschesne
Class of 1959
Chuck Duckwald, Joe Marcella impersonator, Elvis impersonator, Butch Cuomo, Sandy Geier, Jean O'Bray
Class of 1960
Gerry Feulner, Jim Simmonds, Dave Hastings, Gerry Favata, Linda McKeon, Gerry Cucco, Maureen LeGere, Carol Plominski, Lois Brinkman, Walt Mulyca, Dennis Locke, Bill Hodoroski, Joe Marcella, Jim Cornell, Henry Knotek
Class of 1961(Photo #1)
1st Row (Kneeling): Virginia Kelsey, Joan MacFarlane, Donna Guyette, Pat Dickel, Sue Phelps, Kathy Rich, Marcia Demidio, Dick Carusone
2nd Row (Standing): Judy Knefley, Nancy Pollack, Arlene Dietz, Carol Sawicki, Fred Wohlstein, Pat Tucci, Barbara Hurd, Barbara Broomhall, Mrs. Armstrong, Arlene Adams, Josehpine Servadone, Henry Brown
3rd Row (Standing): Ed Sutkas, Jack Beasley, Dick Nass, Gerry Tshinkel, Bill Herodes, Walt McKeone
Walt Wnuk, Bob Gamache, Richard Scheurer,
Jack Keating, Bill Longo
( Our sabres logo proclaimed on Schalmont's gymnasium east wall.)
The passage of 46+ years..........
Jack Beasley ('61) and Marcia Demidio ('61)
Judy Knefley ('61), Nancy Pollack ('61), Pat Tucci ('61)
Gerry Feulner ('60)
Maureen LeGere ('60)
Gerry Favata ('60)
Gerry Tschinkel ('61)
Austrian Foreign Exchange Student
Fred Wohlstein ('61) and Pat Tucci ('61)
Dick Carusone ('61), Carol Sawicki ('61), Fred Wohlstein ('61) and Jack Keating ('61)
Jim Cornell ('60) and Gerry Favata ('60)
("Most athletic!")
Arlene Dietz ('61), Nancy Pollock ('61), Pat Tucci ('61) Carol Sawicki ('61), Judy Knefley ('61)
Class of 1961 (Photo #2)
Class of 1961 (Photo #3)
1st Row (Kneeling): Virginia Kelsey, Joan MacFarlane, Donna Guyette, Pat Dickel, Sue Phelps, Kathy Rich, Marcia Demidio, Dick Carusone
2nd Row (Standing): Judy Knefley, Nancy Pollack, Arlene Dietz, Carola Sawicki, Fred Wohlstein, Pat Tucci, Barbara Hurd, Barbara Broomhall, Mrs. Armstrong, Arlene Adams, Josephine Servadone, Henry Brown
3rd Row (Standing): Ed Sutkas, Jack Beasley, Dick Nass, Gerry Tshinkel, Bill Herodes, Walt Wnuk,
Walt McKeon, Bob Gamache, Richard Scheurer,
Jack Keating, Bill Longo
Arlene Adams ('61)
Nancy Brown, Joan MacFarlane ('61), Henry Brown ('61)
Butch Cuomo ('59)
Carol & Bob Duschesne ('58)
Carol Sawicki ('61), Jim Cornell ('60),
Carol Plominski ('60), Dave Hastings ('60)
Dennis Locke ('60)
Marcia DeMidio ('61)
Donna Guyette ('61), Virginia Kelsey ('61), Kathy Rich ('61), Susan Phelps, ('61), Linda McKeon ('60), Arlene Dietz ('61)
Erika & Jack Beasley ('61), Linda DiCarlo
Bob Gamache ('61)
Gerry Favata ('60)
Gerry Tschinkel ('61), Fred Wohlstein ('61)
Joan MacFarlane ('61)
Kathy Ellers, Lois Brinkman ('60)
Jack Keating ('61), Jack Beasley ('61), Jim Cornell ('60)
Jack Keating ('61), Nancy Pollack ('61),
Fred Wohlstein ('61)
Kirsten Neff ('59)
Judy Knefley ('61)
Leora Mercoglin ('60)
Linda McKeon ('60)
Dennis Locke ('60), Pat Dickel ('61),
Vince Sadowski, Walt McKeone ('59)
Lois Johnson ('58)
Joe Marcella ('59 & '60)
Mike Knefley ('59) , Henry Brown ('61)
Judy Knefley ('61) , Pat Tucci ('61)
Virginia Kelsey ('61)
Walt Mulyca ('60)
Walt Wnuk ('61), Ginger Broomhall Wnuk
Nancy Pollack ('61), Pat Tucci ('61),
Carol Sawicki ('61), Judy Knefley ('61)
Julie Chapman ('60)
Richard Scheuer ('61), Henry Knotek ('61)
Ms. Legere (Maureen & Peggy's Mom),
Josephine Servadone ('61), Gerry Feulner ('60)
Barbara Hurd ('61)
Bill Herodes ('61)
Jim Simmonds ('60)
Fred Wohlstein ('61), Joan Macfarlane ('61),
Judy Knefley ('61), Carol Plominski Cornell ('60),